What is OPay Fixed Deposit Withdrawal

What is OPay Fixed Deposit Withdrawal
OPay Fixed Deposit Withdrawal is the ability to cash out your Fixed Savings from your OPay Account. OPay Fixed Savings is a savings feature that allows users to earn interest on their fixed deposit savings. In contrast to its counterpart, Owealth, where interest is paid out daily, with Fixed Savings, interest is only disbursed on the due date, along with the principal amount. Opay Fixed Deposit offers two modes: locked and unlocked. Opting to lock your funds means receiving all the interest immediately, with your funds inaccessible for the chosen duration. Conversely, choosing not to lock your funds results in interest being paid at the due date. However, withdrawing early entails forfeiting all accrued interest. How to withdraw OPay Fixed Deposit 1. Open your Opay application and head to the finance section, then select the Savings page. From there, click on the "Fixed" option to access the fixed deposit screen where your savings plans are managed. 2. On the fixed deposit screen,…

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He’s the founder and publisher of Mainwaves Digital Media Group, the parent company of Capitalist Ledger, School Magazine (SCHLMAG) and Mainwaves. linkedinemailyoutubetwitter-x

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